Forecasts & Indicators
The KOF regularly publishes various indicators and forecasts. These are partly based on the results of the KOF economic surveys among Swiss companies as well as external data.
News about Forecasts and Indicators:
KOF Globalisation Index: globalisation is approaching its pre-pandemic level
Global interdependencies are gradually recovering, as the KOF Globalisation Index for 2022 shows. Globalisation is returning to its pre-COVID-19 pandemic level. Economic globalisation in particular has provided a boost here, while social and political globalisation continue to suffer from the after-effects of the pandemic. The most globalised country is the Netherlands, followed by Switzerland and Belgium.
Healthcare expenditure rises to over CHF 100 billion
Healthcare spending in Switzerland continues to grow. KOF expects this expenditure to rise from CHF 95 billion in 2023 to over CHF 106 billion in 2026, with per-capita healthcare expenditure likely to reach almost CHF 11,600 by the end of 2026. And the importance of the healthcare sector in terms of GDP will also continue to increase. These are the key findings of KOF’s health expenditure forecast, which was compiled with the help of a research contribution from
KOF Employment Indicator remains stable
The current level of the KOF Employment Indicator is virtually unchanged compared with last quarter. There are hardly any changes in the individual sectors either. The indicator value suggests that employment in Switzerland will continue to perform well over the coming months.