5th Workshop of the Swiss Network on Public Economics (SNoPE)

Main information
The 5th workshop of the Swiss Network on Public Economics will be organised by the Chair of Public Economics at the University of Fribourg and KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich on Friday, 22 March 2024 (ca. 9.15 a.m. – 6.30 p.m.) at the University of Fribourg.
Download Program (PDF, 258 KB)
Format of the workshop
The workshop will consist of two parts with the Chatham House Rule applying throughout the workshop. In the first part, participants from academia and the public sector will present their planned and ongoing research to gather feedback from colleagues.
The second part consists of two topical workshops (in parallel) and one plenary session:
Topical workshops (working titles):
1) Nationales Armutsmonitoring und neue Ansätze der Armutsmessung (BSV, BFS)
2) Eine strenge Bankenregulierung und der volkswirtschaftliche Nutzen einer global tätigen Schweizer Bank – ein Widerspruch? (EFV, SECO)
Plenary session
Keynote by Andrea Brandolini (Banca d’Italia) on “Poverty: measurement and effective policies” (working title)
Goal of the Network
The goal of the network is to connect researchers working on topics related to Swiss public economics (including public finance and public policy) and/or an interest in Swiss data. The network aims to strengthen the ties between academics and practitioners at universities, public administration, the Swiss National Bank and private institutions. Actors of the civil society as well as the media are welcome to join our network and its activities - please note that all discussions are held under the Chatham House Rules.
Submit your research for presentation or Register as participant without presentation.
We invite academics and practitioners working on questions broadly related to Swiss Public Economics to submit their planned, ongoing, or recently finished research for presentation at the workshop. Please submit via the Conference external page Tool EasyChair. You need to create an account to submit. You can submit a full paper or an extended abstract. We will notify about paper acceptance by mid-February.
Attending the event is possible without presentation, but registration is required. Please register external page here. The organizers will confirm your participation one week before the event at the latest.
Participation in the workshop is free.
Workshop organizers
Isabel Martinez (KOF, ETH Zürich), Mark Schelker (University of Fribourg), and Jan-Egbert Sturm (KOF, ETH Zürich)
Your feedback and ideas are welcome!
Please do not hesitate to contact us with your ideas and proposals. The success of the workshop and the network depend on your input!
We are very much looking forward to discussing with you in March 2024!
Important dates
Deadline for registration: 29 February 2024
Confirmation of participation in the beginning of March 2024
Workshop date and location: 22 March 2024 at University of Fribourg