KOF-NZZ Economists Survey

The Economists Survey is an instrument for making the views of academically researching economists visible to the public.

The KOF defines itself as a mediator between academic research and the general public. In Switzerland, economic policy issues are regularly virulent in the public debate. In addition, referendums are often held on economic policy issues. The expertise of professionals on economic issues should also be taken into account in the opinion-forming process. The Economists Survey is an instrument for making the views of academically researching economists visible to the public.

The Economists Survey deals with topics relevant to Switzerland's economic policy. Around four to six questions with predefined answer categories are asked in an online survey. In addition, economists can comment on the topic. For this survey, the KOF defines researching economists as economists based in Switzerland who work in scientific institutions and actively publish in scientific journals.


The results of the survey are usually published by a media partner. The KOF is currently cooperating with the external pageNeue Zürcher Zeitung.

Latest results

KOF-NZZ survey: economic researchers reject premium-reduction and cost-capping initiatives

Arzt Patient

KOF and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper surveyed economists at Swiss universities about the upcoming vote on the Swiss healthcare system on 9 June this year and received 113 responses. Two-thirds of survey respondents rejected the premium-reduction initiative. Although economists were less unanimous on the cost-capping initiative, a small majority rejected this as well.


Dr. Klaus Abberger
  • LEE G 121
  • +41 44 632 51 56

KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

Nina Mühlebach
  • LEE G 113
  • +41 44 633 86 09

KOF FB Konjunkturumfragen
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

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