KOF Enterprise Panel
The KOF Enterprise Panel (KEP) consists of around 9500 businesses from the Business and Enterprise Register (BER) of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The panel is the basis of all structural surveys of the KOF Swiss Economic Institute. It exists since 1996 and is updated biennially to account for structural changes in the Swiss economy.
The KOF Enterprise Panel covers businesses with more than five employees from industry, construction, and the commercial services. The sample is stratified according to the external page seven regions of Switzerland, 34 industries, and three industry-specific size classes with full coverage of large businesses.
The disproportionately stratified random sample is drawn from the external page business register (BER) of the external page Federal Statistical Office (FSO). The KOF Swiss Economic Institute keeps an address database with contact, location, and structural data of the businesses to guarantee a smooth execution of the survey (mailing, reminder, and non-response survey).
KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle
Leonhardstrasse 21