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Comunicati stampa
Swiss economy caught in the tension between trade conflict and fiscal stimulus

Uncertainty is currently unusually high owing to the geopolitical strategy of the new US administration. Assuming that the international trade conflict does not escalate any further, KOF is forecasting that real sport-adjusted gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by 1.4 per cent in 2025. Although this international trade conflict is a burden, the fiscal stimulus expected in individual EU countries is boosting economic activity. KOF is predicting GDP growth of 1.9 per cent for 2026.
Global Barometers move in opposite directions in March

In March, the coincident and leading Global Barometers show diverging movements. While the Coincident Barometer declines after a slight increase last month, the Leading Barometer rises for the second month in a row.
KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, March 2025

The KOF MPC figure for 6 March 2025 is 0.05. At today’s meeting, the ECB’s Governing Council decided to lower the three key ECB interest rates.
KOF Economic Barometer declines but remains above its medium-term average

In February, the KOF Economic Barometer decreases. After an increase in the previous months, it remains above its medium-term average. While faced with headwinds, the Swiss Economy shows a robust outlook.
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