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Comunicati stampa
Global Barometers move in opposite directions in March

In March, the coincident and leading Global Barometers show diverging movements. While the Coincident Barometer declines after a slight increase last month, the Leading Barometer rises for the second month in a row.
KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, March 2025

The KOF MPC figure for 6 March 2025 is 0.05. At today’s meeting, the ECB’s Governing Council decided to lower the three key ECB interest rates.
KOF Economic Barometer declines but remains above its medium-term average

In February, the KOF Economic Barometer decreases. After an increase in the previous months, it remains above its medium-term average. While faced with headwinds, the Swiss Economy shows a robust outlook.
Global Barometers rise in February after falling in January

The Global Barometers increase slightly in February, partially recovering the losses of the previous month. The results indicate a possible consolidation of these levels for the indicators, after an upward tendency was indicated at the end of 2024.
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8092 Zurigo