Patent Data
Geocoding of Worldwide Patent Data
Researchers from KOF and EPFL have created a database of worldwide patent applications and assigned geographic coordinates ('geocoding') to the addresses of the inventors and applicants. The dataset contains geographical coordinates as well as the corresponding cities and regions in which the address is located. The resulting data set contains an identification number with which each patent application can be identified as well as the coordinates of the inventor’s and applicant’s place of residence, the associated city and the country.
The data is available on Harvard Dataverse: doi: external page 10.7910/DVN/OTTBDX.
A detailed data description can be found in the Scientific Data journal (Download
The project was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Process patents
The dataset contains patent filings at the European Patent Office (EPO) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and their corresponding "process shares". We provide two files: One with patent filings at the EPO, the other with patent filings at the USPTO. The process share indicates to which degree a patent is a process patent rather than a product patent. The shares have been calculated based on different classification methods applied to patent claims (keyword search and text mining). Patent abstracts have been classified in the same way.
The data is available on Harvard Dataverse: Download
The project was funded by the European Patent Office Research Programme.
KOF FB Innovationsökonomik
Leonhardstrasse 21