KOF Business Situation Indicator
The KOF Business Situation Indicator is based on over 4,500 Swiss enterprise respondents.
Each month, a survey is conducted among companies active in industry, retail, construction, project engineering, financial and insurance services as well as other service sectors. Companies in hotel and catering as well as wholesale are interviewed in the first month of every quarter.
Among other questions, the companies are asked to assess their current business situation on a scale ranging from “good” to “satisfactory” and “poor”. The balance of the current business situation is consistent with the difference between the percentages of “good” and “poor” assessments.
The Graph KOF Business Situation Indicator shows the seasonally adjusted figures of the KOF Business Situation for all sectors included in the survey. The figures for sectors with quarterly surveys remain unchanged in the interim months.
KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Business situation stabilises

The KOF Business Situation Indicator moved minimally upwards in February, having previously fallen for two months in a row. Companies are once again becoming slightly more cautious in their business expectations. The Swiss economy was tensely calm in February.
KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle
Leonhardstrasse 21