KOF Stringency Indices

The KOF Stringency Index and KOF Stringency-Plus Index record the stringency of Covid-19 policy measures in Switzerland.  

The indices illustrate the level of lockdown policies over time and between cantons. The values range from 0 (= no measures) to 100 (= full lockdown).

By construction, national measures constitute the minimal level for cantonal measures. Cantons have to implement the national measures but can introduce stricter measures if preferred.

The data is available at the national level and for all individual 26 cantons of Switzerland from January 2020 onwards. The daily updated data of the KOF Stringency-Plus Index can be accessed via the following link:

Data KOF Stringency-Plus Index

The sub-indicators of the stringency indices are provided on request.

The KOF Stringency Index has 9 sub-indicators, namely school closing, workplace closing, cancellation of public events, restrictions on gatherings, closure of public transport, stay-at-home requirements, restrictions on internal movement, international travel controls and public info campaigns.

For the KOF Stringency-Plus Index (see graph below), we adapt the original KOF Stringency Index in two dimensions. First, we include facial coverings as an additional sub-indicator. Second, we transform the sub-indicator on workplace closure by adding another category to it.

The data for each sub-indicator is collected from various sources (see source list below) and used to calculate the KOF Stringency Indices for Switzerland and all its 26 cantons.


Remo Gurtner
  • LEE F 107
  • +41 44 632 22 78

Professur f. Wirtschaftsforschung
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

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