Michael Siegenthaler appointed professor
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- Labour Market
- People

The head of the KOF Research Division Swiss Labour Market was appointed professor by the ETH Board today.
KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Business situation stabilises
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- Swiss Economy
- KOF Business Situation Indicator
- Business Tendency Surveys

The KOF Business Situation Indicator moved minimally upwards in February, having previously fallen for two months in a row. Companies are once again becoming slightly more cautious in their business expectations. The Swiss economy was tensely calm in February.
Climate catastrophes come at a price: How wildfires restrict municipal financing

Wildfires can cause large economic, social, and ecological disruptions. A recent study with the participation of KOF analyses how financial markets react to increasing wildfire risks and how this influences the public finances of affected communities.
After the Trump election: why Switzerland now faces challenges
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- World Economy
- Swiss Economy

At the KOF Economic Forum, Stefan Brupbacher (Swissmem), Benno Keller (Switzerland Global Enterprise) and Hans Gersbach (KOF) discussed the question ‘Geopolitical tensions and bloc formations: does Switzerland need to realign itself?’. Moderated by Sina Freiermuth (SRF), an exciting debate developed on a highly topical subject.
Trump's trade tariffs would cost every Swiss citizen at least CHF 200 per year
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- World Economy
- Swiss Economy

If Donald Trump prevails in the US presidential election on 5 November and introduces the announced trade tariffs, this would lead to global economic losses. The USA itself would suffer the most. However, according to KOF calculations, the Swiss would also be substantially affected with costs of at least CHF 200 per capita per year.