Academy of Management Journal appoints Martin Wörter

Martin Wörter is a new member of the Editorial Review Board of the Academy of Management Journal. The journal is one of the most renowned in the field of management.

Martin Wörter
Prof. Martin Wörter ( )

In the academic world, there are a large number of journals in which scientists publish their latest research findings. This is a particularly important part of a researcher's life. This is how their findings are disseminated to the scientific world. And the better the journal is known, the better it is for the researchers.

That is one side of the coin. On the other hand, the submitted articles also have to be assessed and selected. Do they meet the journal's requirements, do they fit thematically? And the greater the reputation of the journal, the more demanding the work of the members of an editorial review board.

AMJ in the top ten of the management journals

And Martin Wörter, Adjunct Professor at ETH Zurich and Head of Innovation Economics at KOF, has been appointed to such a board. Wörter is a new member of the Editorial Review Board of the external page Academy of Management Journal (AMJ). This specialist journal is one of the most renowned journals in the field of management. It is currently ranked 6th among management journals. One of the AMJ's tasks is to publish empirical research findings that test, expand or develop management theories and contribute to management practice. The journal first appeared in the 1950s and is published every two months.

Working as a referee, i.e. as an expert assessing contributions, is part of the scientific world for academics. This is also the case for those at KOF, as the appointment of words shows.

If you would like to know which researchers at KOF work for which scientific journals, take a look at our annual report.


Prof. Dr. Martin Wörter
Lecturer at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
  • LEE F 111
  • +41 44 632 51 51
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