KOF Economic Barometer: downward trend halted

In February, the KOF Economic Barometer rose above its long-term average. As a result, the downward trend since the interim high during the pandemic in September 2020 has come to an end, at least for the time being. For the next few months, the barometer now signals somewhat more lively economic activity.

The KOF Economic Barometer rose to 102.7 points in February, which is slightly above its long-term average of 100. The increase compared to the previous month amounts to 6.2 points, from 96.5 in January. The indicators from the services sectors are particularly responsible for this. Slightly negative signals are coming from the indicators relating to foreign demand. The prospects for the other economic activities recorded in the barometer have hardly changed compared to January.

In the goods producing sector (manufacturing and construction), intermediate products, production and the business situation are viewed somewhat more positively than in the previous month. The indicators for the order backlog, on the other hand, are falling significantly, those for employment a little less.

In the manufacturing sector, in particular the paper, chemical and electrical industries are somewhat more optimistic than before. The wood, textile, food, and metal industries, on the other hand, are seeing a slight deterioration in sentiment.  

Economic barometer
Economic barometer

Data and Graphs

The full press release can be found Download here (PDF, 248 KB).

Detailed information regarding the KOF Economic Barometer.


Prof. em. Dr. Michael Graff
  • WEV K 517

Dep. Management,Technolog.u.Ökon.
Weinbergstr. 56/58
8092 Zürich

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KOF Economic Barometer

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