KOF Economic Barometer: Normalisation continues
The KOF Economic Barometer fell slightly in February and now stands at 105 points. This is still to some extent higher than the long-term average. The normalisation since the most recent peak in May 2021 is thus proceeding. The economic situation should therefore continue to develop positively.
KOF Economic Barometer (constantly up to date)
The KOF Economic Barometer fell by 2.2 points in February from 107.2 (revised from 107.8) to 105.0 points. However, it is still well above its average value of 100. The indicators from the manufacturing sector are primarily responsible for the decline, followed by those from the financial sector. The signals for the Swiss exporters are somewhat more favourable than before. When interpreting this, however, it must be borne in mind that the underlying data was collected before the situation in Ukraine escalated.
In the producing industry (manufacturing and construction), the order backlog in particular is assessed as less positive, followed by production, the business situation and employment.
In the manufacturing sector, amongst the sectors reflected in the barometer, it is chiefly the paper industry that is signalling a decline compared to the previous month, followed by the metal, electrical and the category “other industries”. On the other hand, positive signals are coming from mechanical engineering and somewhat less clearly from the chemical industry.

Data and Graphs
The full press release can be found Download here (PDF, 873 KB).
Detailed information regarding the KOF Economic Barometer can be found here.
Dep. Management,Technolog.u.Ökon.
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