KOF Economic Barometer: Less than pleasant outlook

The KOF Economic Barometer fell by 4.0 points in August and now stands at 86.5. This is quite considerably below its long-term average. Accordingly, for the near future the outlook for the Swiss economy appears less than encouraging.
World economy slowdown running its course

The Global Barometers fall once again in August, signalling a slowdown in world growth for this quarter. The Coincident Barometer decreases for the seventh month in a row, while the Leading Barometer drops again after remaining stable in the previous month. The results reflect a bleak perspective for world economic growth in the coming months.
KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy still in good shape, but outlook deteriorating

The Business Situation Indicator for Swiss companies fell slightly in July. However, it is still higher than it was at the beginning of this year, and the last time the situation was more encouraging than at present was in July 2011. However, firms are much less optimistic than before about their business prospects for the coming six months. The headwinds facing the Swiss economy are likely to strengthen in the near future.
KOF Employment Indicator continues to rise

The KOF Employment Indicator has risen this quarter as well. The renewed increase is due to modest improvements in almost all sectors. Employment expectations for the next three months, on the other hand, are being dampened slightly.