KOF Swiss Knowledge Transfer Survey

The Swiss Knowledge Transfer Survey (SKTS) of the KOF is a sexennial survey on knowledge transfers between higher education institutions and businesses in Switzerland. The KOF Swiss Economic Institute conducts the survey since 2005 on behalf of the ETH Board and since 2018 on behalf of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).

The KOF SKTS comprises two separate surveys. The Swiss Knowledge Transfer Survey of Businesses (SKTS-B) is based on the KOF Enterprise Panel (KEP). The questionnaire extends the core questions of the external page Community Innovation Survey (CIS) of the European Union with a detailed section on knowledge transfers from higher education institutions including questions on forms, partners, sponsors, motives, obstacles, and results of knowledge transfers. The Swiss Knowledge Transfer Survey of Higher Education Institutions (SKTS-H) covers all formal, engineering, natural, and economic science institutes of all external page universities and institutes of technology (UIT) and external page universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Switzerland. It contains the equivalent questions of the SKTS-B where a section on research and teaching replaces the section on research, development, and innovation.

The SKTS has three objectives: First, it allows an assessment of knowledge transfers in Switzerland (descriptive analysis). Second, it informs Swiss innovation and economic policies (normative analysis). Third, it contributes to the scientific research of knowledge transfers (explicative analysis).

Use the anonymized microdata in the KOF Microdata Centre.


Dr. Florian Hulfeld
  • LEE F 110
  • +41 44 632 81 37
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KOF FB Innovationsökonomik
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich

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