Research Software Engineering and Economic Data (RSEED)
The section Research Software Engineering and Economic Data (RSEED) has set out to become a competence hub for research projects that embrace a data and programming driven approach to analysis.
The majority of social and economic data has been created within the last decade. In turn, many fields of research are confronted with an unprecedented wealth of data. In an effort to make the most of this opportunity, RSEED want to be the competence hub for research projects that embrace a data and programming driven approach to analysis.
Conduct Research with KOF's Unique Time Series and Micro Data
One of the three main goals of RSEED is to increase the impact of KOF's unique economic datasets by enabling academic researchers to work with the datasets we built up and maintain. Social and economic data ask for contributions not only from researchers, but also from companies and individuals. To fully value these contributions we are committed to create the conditions to use the economic datasets maintained by KOF while protecting the privacy of individual companies and persons.
Contribute Through Software - Turn Software Into Publications
Open source programming languages, led by R, Python and JavaScript have taken the data analytics and engineering world by storm. This sharing, reproducibility and transparency driven development has not only resulted in a plethora of useful, license cost-free software package but has also established a tremendous communication channel in source code. RSEED aims to help (economic) researchers put their ideas into state-of-the-art software packages in increase the impact of their work in different ways: we make contributions reusable and connect researchers to a vibrant data science and open source software community.
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external page Find out more about our work, projects and seminars on our website.
Section Lead
KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle
Leonhardstrasse 21