Domestic tourists guarantee success of Switzerland’s winter season
- News
- KOF Tourism Forecast
KOF’s Tourism Forecast concludes that Swiss tourism is on the road to recovery. While the summer season got off to a good start, tourism in winter should maintain this momentum and exceed pre-pandemic levels. The total number of overnight stays during the 2022 winter season will increase by almost 2.4 million (up 16 per cent).
Wie sich Inflation, steigende Zinsen und die Energiekrise auf die Schweizer Wirtschaft auswirken
- Events
- Monetary Policy
- World Economy
- Swiss Economy
- Inflation
An der diesjährigen KOF Prognosetagung diskutierten vier Experten und Expertinnen vor 150 Gästen über die Folgen der Zinswende und des gestiegenen Preisniveaus.