Swiss tourism benefiting from stable domestic demand and growing overseas markets in summer
- News
- KOF Tourism Forecast

Following a record winter, Swiss tourism will continue to grow this summer. KOF expects overnight stays to increase by 0.4 per cent. The main reasons for this are the brighter outlook for the global economy, rising demand from overseas markets, and stable domestic demand. While the trend in the numbers of guests coming from Europe remains subdued, visitors from the United States and China in particular are providing a boost.
Annual Report 2023

The annual report highlights the most important projects and publications of 2023. As the KOF celebrated its 85th anniversary last year, the review goes beyond 2023.
Preise, Zinsen, Geldsystem: Spannende Debatte über die Zukunft der Wirtschaft
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- Business Cycle
- Monetary systems
- Monetary Policy

Beim KOF Wirtschaftsforum diskutierten UBS-Chefökonom Daniel Kalt, Preisüberwacher Stefan Meierhans und Hans Gersbach, Co-Direktor der KOF, über die Entwicklung von Konjunktur, Zinsen und Preisen sowie über Zukunftsszenarien für unser Geldsystem. Moderiert wurde die Veranstaltung von Sylvia Walter, Redaktorin bei Finanz und Wirtschaft.