The KOF has published the following articles and forecasts on the economic effects of coronavirus:
COVID-19 fiscal measures: merely announcing them has an effect
KOF Bulletin

Switzerland’s COVID-19 policy was federal in nature, with the cantons taking specific support measures to limit the economic slump caused by the various challenges. Recent unpublished analysis of these measures suggests that they managed to stabilise business expectations in terms of demand, production, employment and the general outlook as soon as they were announced.
The mental health of the Swiss population during the pandemic
KOF Bulletin

How did the Swiss fare during the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic? Using data from Dargebotene Hand and Swisscom, analysis conducted by Marc Anderes and Stefan Pichler shows that calls to the Dargebotene Hand helpline increased significantly just after the outbreak of the pandemic.
Drei Jahre Corona: Was haben wir aus der Pandemie gelernt?
Swiss Economy

Vor drei Jahren wurde in der Schweiz der Corona-Notstand ausgerufen. Aus diesem Anlass ziehen Forschende der KOF Bilanz und analysieren, welche Schlüsse sich aus den Pandemie-Jahren ziehen lassen.
“COVID has boosted computerisation”
- Innovation
- Digitization
- KOF Bulletin

Martin Wörter and Mathias Beck are examining the digital transformation as part of a research project funded by the National Research Programme (NRP). In this interview the two innovation economists explain why the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated computerisation and why Europe is still lagging behind the United States in terms of technology.
Corona-Krise: Die schlimmsten Befürchtungen der Unternehmen traten nicht ein
- Business Tendency Surveys
- Swiss Economy
- Surveys

Während der vergangenen zwei Jahre beantworteten die an den KOF Konjunkturumfragen teilnehmenden Unternehmen spezielle Fragen zum Einfluss der Krise auf verschiedene Bereiche ihrer Geschäftstätigkeiten. Die grössten Umsatzverluste erlitten das Gastgewerbe sowie Betriebe im Tessin und der Genfersee Region.
Currently available indicators and data:
On the Indicators website you will find data to inform you about current economic developments.