Press Releases

All stories that have been tagged with Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, October 2024

Press release

Global Barometers signal continued moderate growth of the world economy

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Recovery tendency confirmed

Press release

KOF Economic Forecast, autumn 2024: Lack of recovery in Europe clouds prospects for the Swiss economy

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, September 2024

Press release

Global Barometers declining this month

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Outlook slightly more favourable again

Press release

Global Barometers reverse previous month’s losses

Press release

Swiss economy recovering slightly during summer

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator rises for the first time in two years

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Prospects now only slightly above average

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, July 2024

Press release

Global Barometers decline slightly in July

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Slightly more favourable outlook

Press release

Recovery in Europe supports Swiss economy

Press release

Leading Global Barometer continues to recover

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, June 2024

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Muted momentum

Press release

KOF-NZZ survey: economic researchers reject premium-reduction and cost-capping initiatives

Press release

Global Barometers rise again in May

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys from April: modest recovery in the business situation

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator: downward trend continuing in the second quarter of 2024

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Slight revival in April

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, April 2024

Press release

Global Barometers settle at moderate levels

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Stabilization above the average

Press release

Global economic weakness hampering Swiss economy

Press release

Leading Global Barometer signals slower recovery in coming months

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, March 2024

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Still above average despite decline

Press release

Global Economic Barometers fail to continue their upward series

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys from January: weaker economy but firms expect to see improvement

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator: labour market remains in good shape

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Bright spots for the Swiss economy

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, January 2024

Press release

Global Barometers on the rise

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Further slight recovery

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, December 2023

Press release

KOF Economic Forecast, winter 2023: Swiss economy in the wake of the international economic downturn

Press release

Global Barometers on the rise for the sixth month in a row

Press release

KOF Globalisation Index: degree of globalisation still below pre-pandemic levels

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Steady development expected

Press release

Leading Global Barometer signals a more favourable outlook for the coming months

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys for October: downturn continues

Press release

Healthcare expenditure as a share of gross domestic product stabilises at 11.5 per cent

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator: Good labour market situation despite gloomy outlook in the manufacturing sector

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Stable outlook for the end of the year

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator for the Euro Area, October 2023

Press release

Leading Global Barometer climbs above the 100-point average

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: After revision – outlook remains subdued

Press release

Domestic economy providing support; foreign trade weakening

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, September 2023

Press release

Global Barometers point to improving conditions

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer remains at below-average level

Press release

Wage survey: firms expecting hardly any rise in real wages

Press release

Leading Global Barometer rising towards historical average

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy sluggish; manufacturing sector on a downward trend

Press release

Employment outlook in the manufacturing sector clouding over

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Slight easing, but no all-clear

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, July 2023

Press release

Global Economic Barometers fluctuate in the adverse zone

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Outlook remains gloomy

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, June 2023

Press release

Strong employment despite faltering economy

Press release

Global Barometers weakened in June

Press release

KOF-NZZ survey: economists assess Swiss climate policy goals and measures

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Economic outlook continuous to darken

Press release

Global Barometers improve slightly but remain at subdued levels

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy lacking stimulus

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, May 2023

Press release

Positive outlook for the Swiss labour market persists

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Economic outlook slightly gloomier

Press release

Global Barometers fall slightly after rising for two months

Press release

KOF-NZZ survey of economists: Economists are sceptical about the takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Level falls marginally

Press release

Mild winter calming fears of recession

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, March 2023

Press release

Global Barometers continue to rise

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: At long-term average

Press release

Global Barometers show upward corrections

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy starting the year with renewed confidence

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator remains at a high level

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, January 2023

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Economic recovery in Switzerland strengthens

Press release

Global Barometers continue to fall

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Outlook brightens

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, December 2022

Press release

Energy crisis continues to weigh on the economy

Press release

Global Barometers: world slowdown continues

Press release

KOF Globalisation Index: COVID pandemic has slowed globalisation

Press release

KOF Economic Barometer: Outlook remains at a low level

Press release

Swiss economy increases investment in digital technology

Press release

Increase in healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP is flatlining

Press release

Global Barometers continue to signal a slowdown of the world economy for the coming months

Press release

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: business activity slowing while manufacturing sector starts to weaken

Press release

KOF Employment Indicator has peaked for the time being

Press release

Economic outlook remains gloomy

Press release

KOF Monetary Policy Communicator, October 2022

Press release

Global Barometers: negative sequence does not continue in October

Press release

Energy crisis acting as a drag on the economy

Press release

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