KOF Bulletin

How are Swiss companies doing? What is the situation on the labour market? How is the international economy developing? And what is the latest news from KOF research? The monthly KOF Bulletin answered these questions and more until October 2024, when it was replaced by the ‘KOF Insights’ magazine in 2025.

Latest Articles

Global economic engine not yet up to speed

Technology transfer: a key to explaining Switzerland’s innovative prowess

KOF Business Situation Indicator falling back

The Swiss labour market is doing fairly well

“Harris is more predictable than Trump”

KOF Business Situation Indicator rises again

Can STEM events attract more pupils to technical degree programmes?

When is state intervention needed?

“Switzerland has the potential to develop into a global AI hub”

Many firms plan to invest more; environmental projects are being scaled back

“Monetary policy in the eurozone will remain restrictive for the time being”

Wealth tax: a minimum tax on the rich

Why do households perceive inflation differently than firms and forecasting organisations?

KOF Business Situation Indicator suffers a setback

Why the Olympics and the European Football Championships will increase Swiss GDP

"Our goal is a symbiosis of economic research and data science"

KOF Business Situation Indicator continues to rise

COVID-19 fiscal measures: merely announcing them has an effect

“Switzerland is under pressure to act”

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: challenges facing the Swiss economy are diminishing

Elections cause fiscal waste in weak and strong democracies alike

The EU in crisis: taking stock of the economy

KOF Business Situation Indicator on the decline again

How to Regulate Stablecoins

How relevant are energy prices really for firms?

Global economic growth remains weak for the time being

“The welfare state is not an outdated model”

Investment on the rise, but not in all sectors

Artificial intelligence: how networks are controlling firms’ AI expertise

The power of central bank communication

Business situation virtually unchanged

Between market power and labour rights: the impact of the seasonal worker statute on immigrants’ wages

How can gender-specific differences in higher education be overcome?

The free movement of people has had no impact on the number of apprenticeships

The weakness of the global economy persists

Business situation virtually stable at the end of the year

Falling wealth taxes contributing to rising wealth concentration

The mental health of the Swiss population during the pandemic

“The battle against inflation has not yet been won”

Supported democracy: reinventing direct democracy, AI and voting twice

“ChatGPT may not be the greatest poet and thinker of our time, but it is an increasingly important source of inspiration”

KOF Business Situation Indicator continues to fall

International digital technology cycles and local economic performance

KOF’s Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy lacking stimulus

Demographic change: what are the implications for inflation?

Media formats and their role in the perception of monetary policy

How monetary policy can be deciphered using language analysis

Gloomy outlook for the global economy

Exports proving robust

KOF Business Situation Indicator slightly lower

“China is facing major challenges that go beyond its real-estate crisis”

KOF Business Situation unchanged

Long-term experience of immigration weakens nationalist parties

Labour market restrictions on refugees

“There are winners and losers of immigration”

Global economic outlook remains weak

New incentives for antibiotics research and development

Significant increase in company bankruptcies

Climate risks and investment: how Swiss companies are dealing with climate change

KOF Business Situation Indicator edges up

Business situation deteriorating

How dependent is Swiss industry on China?

“The pension system is one of the great achievements of the welfare state”

“Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise economic research”: ten questions for ChatGPT

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: Swiss economy faltering

Wage increases as a response to the shortage of skilled workers

Bank regulation: the many pitfalls of bail-in bonds

The Swiss construction sector since COVID-19: an interim assessment

Swiss labour market remains in good shape

Although the outlook for the global economy is brightening, additional risks are emanating from the banking sector

KOF Business Situation Indicator virtually unchanged

“We are at the end, rather than the beginning, of a banking crisis”

Why has Switzerland, unlike Germany, not developed a large low-wage sector? An overview

“Economics is about the question of the good life”

KOF Business Situation Indicator down slightly

Financial bottlenecks slowing investment growth

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: threat of recession this winter is fading

Swiss companies investing more in cyber security

Oil price shock scenario: this is how Swiss managers would react

The proportion of R&D-active companies in Switzerland has risen for the first time in 20 years

Business situation stabilised at the end of the year

How do firms determine their prices?

Energy crisis and rising cost of living slowing down global economy

“Inflation will remain high by Swiss standards in 2023”

Business situation slightly less encouraging than in previous month

“We expect to see recessions in Germany, France and Italy – but not in Switzerland”

New digital technologies: what role do robots, big data and artificial intelligence play in the Swiss economy?

The pharmaceutical industry is Switzerland’s growth engine

KOF Business Tendency Surveys: The Swiss economy is losing momentum

COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and appreciation of the Swiss franc: impact on tourism in Switzerland

A politician’s perfect storm: when disaster relief is politically biased

Vera Eichenauer: “Power is a big issue”

Business situation is not deteriorating any further

An economic stimulus package is set to boost Europe’s civil engineering sector

KOF-NZZ survey reveals that economists are in favour of rule-based adjustments to the retirement age

Monetary policy: provisional end to negative interest rates

Inflation rates remain high

How computerisation is transforming the Swiss labour market

How computerisation is driving the immigration of highly skilled workers

“COVID has boosted computerisation”

Archive January 2014 – May 2016

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